Take A Step Toward Better Health By Finding The Right Shoes For You

Every month, the editors at City Health & Wellness Magazine provide us with a list of national Kansas health topics that are being observed that month. May, for example, is national Physical fitness & sports Month, national high Blood Pressure education Month and correct Posture Month, to name just a few. While reading through these topics, I was struck by how many relate to taking care of your feet.
By now, you might be familiar with our saying, “When your feet hurt, your whole body hurts.” A more positive way of saying that might be: “When you get the right pair of shoes, you’re taking a step toward better health in all areas of your life.” This month, I’d like to review some of the basics of finding the right shoes to support you in your daily exercises and activities.
Finding properly fitting shoes is more involved than just stepping on a size chart or asking for the same size that you have always worn before. As we age, our feet change and become wider, and shoes in the closet that once fit are now very tight. Shoes that are too small (or too big) can cause blisters or calluses that would be preventable with a better fit. The shoe professionals and licensed pedorthists at Comfort Plus Shoes and Footcare in Leawood use advanced technology and decades of experience to assess what each person needs. When fitting customers, Comfort Plus utilizes iStep, a patented digital foot scanning system that analyzes your feet and determines pressure points to create a foot “map.” The map can then be used to help fit a shoe perfectly suited to the wearer, resulting in one-of-a-kind comfort, support and protection from injury.
Getting exercise is a great way to improve your circulation and maintain a healthy body weight. Keeping up your walking regimen can be challenging enough on its own, so you’ll want to make sure you aren’t making it any harder by wearing ill-fitting or worn-out shoes. Comfort Plus recommends that you change your exercise shoes every 500 miles, or about every six months to a year. A shoe is normally well worn out by the time the wear is noticeable on the outsole or tread. Routinely replacing your exercise shoes can be an investment, but it will save you a considerable amount of money and pain in the long run as you avoid the wear-and-tear injuries of exercising on worn-out shoes.
Finding the right hosiery is important as well. Your heart works hard to pump blood throughout your body, and one of the furthest places it has to travel is your feet, so you won’t want to restrict it with a binding sock. If your sock leaves an indention on your calf, you probably need something new. Comfort Plus carries socks that are seamless, non-binding and free of elastic, as well as socks
with significantly heavier padding at the heel and ball of foot, providing added cushioning to absorb some of the impact between foot and ground.
Finding proper footwear is especially important for people with Diabetes, who may be dealing with neuropathy, vascular disease, or other complications. Wearing the right shoes prevents Diabetes patients from experiencing pain or injury related to poor circulation, while also helping take the pressure off any sores or ulcers that may have developed.
The licensed pedorthists at Comfort Plus Shoes and Footcare have decades of experience in helping Diabetes patients find the right footwear and orthotics that fit their prescription. Comfort Plus Shoes and Footcare is located at 11715 Roe Avenue in the Camelot Court shopping center. Stop by to browse their selection or talk to one of their experienced professionals, or give them a call at (913) 451-4494.